April 2019
Meeting called to order7:02. In Attendance Fred Becker Jr, Fred Becker Sr, Jules Perreault, Bob Andryzeck, Fred Rich Scott Baiilou, Scott Kneeland, Tom Hart, Ray & Donna Peck, Tip Garrett and Rob Lee.
Motion to accept Treasurers report for audit made and passed.
Motion to accept minutes from last meeting made and passed.
Fred Rich gave Fred Becker an application for a booth at the Woodstock Fair. Nothing new to discuss on legislation. We will have to wait until the session ends on June 5th to see if an amendment is raised with anti-trapping language. It was discussed and decided on by the Board that the Raffle will consist of gifts cards only.
DEEP has a meeting scheduled for May 29 to discuss new game regs, CTA strongly supports lowering the Fisher harvest from 4 to 2 yrly.
Motion made and passed to conclude the meeting at 8:57.
Meeting submitted by Rob Lee
Next meeting June 26 at 7:00pm DeKoven House Middletown