October 30, 2019
Meeting Called to order at 7:10 P.M.
Attendance: Fred Becker Jr., Fred Becker SR., Jules Perreault, Laure Perreault, David Shepeck, Tip Garritt, Donna Peck, Ray Peck, Bob Andryzeck, Bill Harrell, Rob Lee, Fred Rich, Don Dandelski, Scott Balou, Scott Kneeland.
Minutes of the October convention were read. Bill Harrell moves to accept, Fred Rich seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurers report read, Scott Kneeland moved to accept pending audit, Fred Rich Seconded. Motion passes.
New Business: Jim Critchley Scholarship to be one $750 candidate. David Shepeck is the new Litchfield County Director. Alex Breen to stay as FTA Director & Public Relations Director.
Herb Sobanski of the Connecticut Fur Harvesters proposed changes to the CCAC to the beaver season and coyote land trapping season.
We went over our new CTA pamphlet and made minor changes before printing. Bill Harrell has been in contact with the Greenwood Fur Co. about policies and possible pick up of fur. All fur handling is on their web site.
Laure Perreault asked if we wanted to increase the dues by $2, it was decided against. We will be stopping the magazines completely and handle our own membership renewal. And eventually renew all members in the same month.
Fred Rich suggests that we ask for donations in our web site and Facebook page. Laure Perreault got back prices and proofs on banners for the table runners. Jules Perreault moved to buy one table runner 96”x60” Bob Andryzeck seconded. Motion passed.
Next meeting is on November 27, 2019
Scott Kneeland moved to adjourn, Fred Rich seconded. Motion passed
Respectfully submitted Scott Kneeland
Next meeting January 29