Minutes of the January 22,2020
Meeting Called to order at 7:03 P. M.
Attendance: Fred Becker Jr., Fred Becker Sr., Scott Kneeland, Jules Perreault, Laure Perreault, Bill Harrell, Rob Lee, Fred Rich, Jacob Gregory, Don Dandelski, Tom Hart, Scott Ballou, David Shepeck, Ray Peck, Donna Peck, Bob Andryzeck, Tip Garritt, Rich Orlando.
Minutes of the November meeting were read, Jules moved to accept Fred Becker Sr. second, motion passed
Treasurers report was read Fred Rich moved to accept pending audit, Scott Kneeland seconded, motion passed.
President’s report: Fred Becker Jr. explained that Capt. Williams comment was not correct and he did not say the quoted conversation that was published. It was common opinion that we would not pursue any further action at this time.
Possum issue earlier last year was determined to be a home owner that improperly placed a trap to protect his garden. The 83 year old home was spoken too and advised on proper trap placement.
We thanked those who have taken on young trappers as a mentor program.
Vice President Report: Jules gave a update on last years trapping classes and all instructors will have a meeting on February 9th. with Tom Donlon to set the class schedule for the 2020 training season.
Bill Harrell went over the pamphlet and we will add the web site address.
Fred Rich and Tip Garritt spoke on the Farm Bureau luncheon they attended.
CCAC Report: nothing special at this time.
NTA: Rob Lee stated that there will be a election for Vice President position between Buell and Freidrich .
FTA: Fred Becker Jr. spoke on the Environmental Committee.
Bob Andryzeck spoke about the upcoming sportsman shows and the positions that needed to be filled.
Annual fur sale will be April 4th at the Fin Fur and Feather Club in Chaplin again. Tom Gebo will be there and we agreed to do a 50/50 raffle.
Laure had a sample of the new life time members cards that we will be using.
The lobbyist with the NWCO’s has no contract as of yet, they will let us know how much money we need to contribute.
Laure is still trying tirelessly to get the issue with the magazine’s resolved. Membership cost as follows:
$25.00 regular membership
$48.00 regular 2 year membership
$10.00 junior membership
$350.00 life membership
Advanced trappers training will be on June 7th at Meriden Rod & Gun Club. Instructors to do demos to be determined.
Motion to adjourn at 9:08 by Scott Kneeland, seconded by Fred Becker Sr. Motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted Scott Kneeland