Meeting was called to order at 10:11.
Annual membership meeting.
Jules ran the meeting and explained that Fred Becker was under the weather. (Fred did surprise everyone later in the day when he showed up) Minutes were read and a motion was made to accept minutes and was passed. Treasurers report was read motion made to accept report for audit and was passed.
Election of officers was held and results are as follows:
President—Fred Becker Jr VP West---Jules Perreault VP East----Billy Harrell Secretary/Treasurer Laure Perreault
Paul Rego talked about the history of trapping in CT and how important the CTA has been in that pursuit. Alan Huot also spoke to the importance of the CTA in promoting trapping.
Awards were given out as Follow:
Trapper of the year - Fred Becker Sr George Finch Lifetime Achievement Award - Fred Rich
Providence College once again handed out DNA sample kits to study CT furbearers. Motion was made and passed to conclude the meeting at 10:55
Minutes submitted by Rob Lee