Meeting was called to order at 7:00. Minutes to last meeting (10/27) were accepted for audit.
In attendance were: Fred Becker Jr, Fred Becker Sr, Jules and Laure Perreault, Fred Rich, Tip Garritt, Al Potter, Tom Hart, Rob Lee, Mark Veilloux and Don Dandelski.
Laure reported the she received a letter from the Vermont Trappers Association in response to a letter she had sent to sell them raffle tickets. They indicated that they liked our website. Our raffle was very good. Less expenses and more sales. Our online store is set up to accept sale tax on in state sales.
Laure Perreault gave the Treasurers Report. Motion was made and passed to accept report for audit. It was reported that the bobcat study completion will now be 4 years from now.
A motion was made to discuss whether to suggest to DEEP to lower Fisher harvest from 4 to 2 with mandatory carcass collection. Motion passed with 2 dissentions.
Fur auction will be April 1, 2017 at Tolland Vo-Ag in Vernon.
Sportsman’s shows this will be Feb 24-26 in Springfield MA and March 30-Aprl 2 in Hartford CT.
CTA will donate $100.00 to the Spagnesi Memorial Dinner.
Our game dinner is confirmed for the Raccoon Club in Durham on May 6
February 22, 2017 will be the next meeting.
Motion was made to adjourn at 8:35pm. Motion passed.