Meeting called to order at 7:10 .
In attendance were Fred Becker Jr, Fred Becker Sr, Laure Perreault, Billy Harrell, Rob Lee, Don Dandelski, Donna Peck, Fred Rich, Scott Kneeland and Tip Garritt.
Treasurers report was read and a motion to accept treasurers report for audit was made and passed. Olson’s Trappers Weekend was reported slow due to weather.
Bill Harrell will man a booth for the CTA at Herkimer convention.
*Sept 8 will be the Advanced Trapper Training class
*Sept 29 will be annual convention at the Fin, Fur & Feather Clun in Chaplin.
*Sept 22 will be DEEP Outdoor Day at Franklin. CTA will have a booth.
*Oct 27 is proposed date for the CTA kids day at the Meriden Rod & Gun Club.
Kids will eat free that day so bring out your kids. All traps and equipment donated by Pat Quinn will be at the convention for sale on Sept 29.
Motion was made and passed to conclude the meeting at 8:48.
Minutes submitted by Rob Lee