Attendance: Scott Kneeland, Fred Becker, Bill Harrell Rob Lee, Jules & Laure Perreault, Tip Garrett, Fred Rich, John McGrath, Donna Peck.
Treasurers Report read motion made and accepted
Executive Report: Fred, Scott & Rob met with DEEP, Bill was unable to attend. Volunteer beaver trapping issues were discussed at length. Chris Vann will now notify DEEP Dispatch of special permits and not just the district Sergeant. Possibly a mentor program to help the future number of available volunteer trappers. Howard Kilpatrick is working on new Fisher tags.
County Directors Report: Fred Rich talked about us at the Woodstock fair.
CCAC Report: no meeting until September
Old Business: Awards were named and voted on
The changes to the Constitution and By-Laws were discussed.
Meeting adjourned 8:57