1st Nick Zemek Storrs CT 500.00
2nd Fred Rich Woodstock CT 400.00
3th Gaven Hose Aracot NC 300.00
4th Mike Toftness Northford CT 200.00
5th Rick Schoonover Westminster ME 100.00
6th Brian Damour Andover CT 50.00
A special thanks to Rick Schoonover for coming to our convention and donating half of his raffle winnings to our association. Your a one of a kind. Thanks
The Board of Directors and myself would like to thank all who contributed to this years raffle. We know how tough times are this year and hope that things will get better soon. I can’t thank the top 3 sellers enough Nick Sienna sold 22 books, Donna & Ray Peck 13 books and Mark Casanova 9 books they received brand new bobcat traps that were donated by Austin Marks. So many of you called and sold more than 1 book thank you to you too. This association has become very strong and your Board will have your back. Have a wonderful rest of the year.
Laure Perreault
